Dating and High School

High school has become the breading social ground for Teenagers. Its like everything that has happened in life has led and eventually prepared all of us for this moment. Its like in elementary school boys have cooties and there is nothing about them that really peaks our interest, then middle school is where we get to test the waters and sorta get a feel for everything, Its when we really notice the other sex and start to see them in a different light. Then come High School and socially everything we've done is no where close to what high school has in stored. Its like the jungle and we are all in a 4 year cycle playing a game of survival, where the stakes are higher because our emotional stability is being put to the test. Some might get out unscathed while others will get out bruised and potentially damaged. Everything is different now because the stakes are higher  and just having the will to put your self out there is a risk not all can take. I don't if its a risk i, if put in this situation again i would have taken because at the end of the day when all is said and done you havve yourself to fallback on and the decisions made are made by you so you are left to deal with the consequences. So this my fellow readers is where you ask your self the question if taking that risk is worth it?Do the pro's out weigh the con's or if the grass is really greener on the other side?


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